Weight: 100 grams (as 14 individually wrapped pieces, depending on the size of the Green Mandarin)
Type: Ripe Pu-erh (fermented)
Production area: Ripe Pu-erh is from Yunnan Province, China; Green Mandarin peel is from Xinhui, Guangdong Province, China
Taste characteristics:
Handcrafted, the Green Mandarin Tuo Cha is made with a 10-year-old ripe Tuo Cha (a small nugget compressed with ripe pu-erh leaves) stuffed inside the shell of a green mandarin. The earthy flavor of the ripe pu-erh is offset by the tangy and citrus flavor from the green mandarin, resulting in a perfectly balanced and delicious drink. Mandarin peel is called chenpi in Chinese, which means aged peels. Aged chenpi is considered collectibles in China due to purported medicinal properties. The most renowned producing area of mandarins is a small town in Southern China called Xinhui. This tea was sourced from a reputable factory in this town. This tea is very easy to prepare. Simply unwrap, pour hot water, steep briefly, and drink. The tea tastes flavorful even after multiple steepings.